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Personal Trainer Tracey Anderson claims she can give any women, whatever her size, the same body as her famous clients Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow.
Tracey says: “It is my mission to give every woman the tools to look and feel her best”
The Tracey Anderson Method is a vigorous dance routine that incorporates on the move repetitions of classic gym exercises such as squats, star jumps and bicep curls. Sometimes she incorporates very small weights.
She came up with he own method of working accessory muscles, rather than large muscle groups.
Tracey experimented on herself .She gained weight after having a baby and within 6 weeks she slimmed down to her current size and has stayed the same size ever since.
Tracey says conventional forms of exercise do not work. Because with every other exercise, using the same muscle again and again will build too much muscle in certain places and build you up. She says running gives you an ugly butt.

Tracey Anderson says:
“I am so excited to release these 3 new DVDs. After working for 10 years to develop my method, I have turned down every opportunity to have it reach the masses – until now. I have figured out an effective way to take everyone on the life-changing journey that my method has to offer. I have 3 videos available for you to get the kind of results that I know you never thought were possible.

Here is a list of Tracey’s DVDs:

Tracy Anderson Method Presents Dance Cardio Workout DVD
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The Tracy Anderson Method Presents Mat Workout DVD
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The Tracy Anderson Method Presents Post Pregnancy Workout DVD
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