Natural Health Remedies

Posts Tagged ‘how to cure a hangover

Herbs, Homeopathy and Supplements taken before and after the party will:

Help to support the liver against those ‘morning after’ feelings associated with over-indulgence

Support the delicate lining of the digestive system (including the stomach)

Help the body to naturally stabilize and balance after excessive rich food or alcohol consumption

Maintain healthy liver functioning and protection

Rich food, desserts, wine, and general over-consumption can put stress on the liver. Everything that enters our body must be detoxified and refined by the liver.

While excessive consumption of alcohol or overly rich food is not recommended, it is possible to protect your system from some of the side effects during times of occasional over-indulgence.

Protective Remedies to take before and after the party or dinner are:

Protective Party Herbal Formula

This Herbal formula acts as an excellent liver tonic and supports the body’s natural ability to digest and assimilate food and drink during times of celebration.

Herb Amount Action Dose
Silybum marianus (Milk thistle) Ex 80mls Liver protection  
Althaea officinalis (Marshmallow) Ex


80mls Soothing effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and the digestive system  
Ulmus fulva (Slippery elm) Ex 40mls Provides a protective lining to the stomach and exerts a calming effect.  
  200mls   Take 5mls of the Herbal mix 3 x daily on the day and the day after the party.

The Protective Party Herbal Formula can be purchased from me or ordered from as recommended by Rhonda E Campbell.

Or otherwise call Metagenics on Freecall 1800 777 648 and order the products below with my practitioner number 6675x.

Product Action Dose
Silymarin 80 Liver protection 1 tablet 3 x daily on the day and the day after the party.
Upper GI Contains slippery elm, marshmallow and other herbs to soothe the stomach and digestive system 1 tablet 2 x daily on the day and the day after the party.

Homeopathic Formula for Overindulgence

There is an Overindulgence Homeopathic Formula that can temporarily relieve hangover symptoms like headaches and nausea, along with The Protective Party Herbal Formula.

The Overindulgence Homeopathic Formula is made up of:

Homeopathic Remedy Action Dose
Lupulus humulus 30c For nausea, dizziness and headache. If you wake with a dull, heavy headache with dizziness and with skin that feels chapped after a night out, you could benefit from this remedy.
Lobelia Inflata 30c Best suited for those that suffer gastric problems such as morning nausea and vomiting following intoxication. If your urine is deep orange/red the morning after a night of alcohol consumption you would benefit from this remedy.
Nux vomica 30c is a remedy for people who work and play hard and who often overindulge with food and drink. It can help nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains. It also improves the symptoms of the bad effects of coffee, tobacco, alcoholic stimulants, highly spiced or seasoned foods, overeating, long continued mental exertion, sedentary habits and loss of sleep.
6 drops of the combination every 30 minutes until the symptoms subside.

Please note that regular or excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver disease and other health and social problems. Drink alcohol responsibly, and never drink and drive.

The Homeopathic Formula for Overindulgence can be ordered from me or each remedy can be obtained separately from a homeopathic pharmacy.

DISCLAIMER this post is not to replace medical advice given by
your health professional. It is recommended that you consult your
doctor or health professional before following any therapeutic
advice, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition.
Never reduce or discontinue your prescribed medication without the
consent of your doctor. The author cannot take medical or legal
responsibility for illness arising out of the failure to seek
medical advice from a doctor. © 2008